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Atmospheric Science

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National Science Foundation Grants - 2015

Data on National Science Foundation grants and associated investigators and institutions awarded in the year 2015

United States Hail Storms 1955-2015

Information on severe hail storms in the US, including injury and property loss data

Tornadoes in the U.S., 1950-2015

Tornadoes tracked by NOAA from 1950-2015

NASA GISTEMP Global Means dTs

Global-mean monthly, seasonal, and annual temperatures (dTs) since 1880

Fog Frequency by WMO Station

Average annual and monthly number of days with fog for 22 nations

Wind Storms in the U.S., 1955-2015

Wind Storms tracked by NOAA from 1955-2015


Global-mean monthly, seasonal, and annual temperatures since 1880

US Hurricane Losses

U.S. losses due to hurricanes in millions of U.S. Dollars

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