Air Pollution and Mortality in the United States

Source Notebook

Long-term average exposure to fine particulate matter PM2.5 correlated to US census data


Particulate matter (PM) is a term used to describe the mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets in the air. It can be either human-made or naturally occurring. Some examples include dust, ash and sea-spray. Particulate matter (including soot) is emitted during the combustion of solid and liquid fuels, such as for power generation, domestic heating and in vehicle engines. Particulate matter varies in size (i.e. the diameter or width of the particle). PM2.5 means the mass per cubic metre of air of particles with a size (diameter) generally less than 2.5 micrometres (µm). Inhalation of particulate pollution can have adverse health impacts.


Basic Examples

Explore data:

  "Air Pollution and Mortality in the United States"]][[1]]


Plot last available value for PM2.5 air pollution by US census counties :

GeoGraphics[{GeoStyling[Opacity[0.8], FaceForm[
      Blend[{White, Brown}, #1]]], #2} & @@@ (Function[{x, y}, {QuantityMagnitude@#1/x, #2} & @@@ y][
      Max[QuantityMagnitude /@ #[[All, 1]]], #] &@
    Select[Normal[{#["PM2.5"]["LastValue"], #["Polygon"]} & /@ ResourceData[
ResourceObject["Air Pollution and Mortality in the United States"]]], FreeQ[#, Missing] &])]

Plot age adjusted base mortality by US census counties :

GeoGraphics[{GeoStyling[Opacity[0.8], FaceForm[
      Blend[{White, Red}, #1]]], #2} & @@@ (Function[{x, y}, {#1/x, #2} & @@@ y][Max[#[[All, 1]]], #] &@
    Select[Normal[{#["BaseMortalityAgeAdjustedRate"], #[
          "Polygon"]} & /@ ResourceData[
ResourceObject["Air Pollution and Mortality in the United States"]]], FreeQ[#, Missing] &]), GeoRange -> Entity["Country", "UnitedStates"]]

Wolfram Research, "Air Pollution and Mortality in the United States" from the Wolfram Data Repository (2021)  

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