Primitive polynomials for Galois field generation up to GF(2^1200), GF(3^660), GF(5^430), and GF(7^358)
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Visual Examples
Show the data for GF(267). The number 267-1 has a factorization 193707721×761838257287 (Cole, 1903) that gives a normalization close to 1:
Generate the first 600 powers of x using a polynomial modulus of 1+x+x2+x5+x67:
Show the approximate count via multiplication of the count normalization by (pn-1)/n and compare that to the actual polynomial count:
Show the count normalizations for the first four primes:
Show the degrees where trinomial primitive polynomials exist for the first four primes:
Bibliographic Citation
Wolfram Research,
"Primitive Polynomials"
from the Wolfram Data Repository
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