Type Ia Supernova Data

Source Notebook

Supernova type Ia name, redshift, magnitude, stretch and color


The redshift z of an object is defined as z=(λobs-λ0)/λ0 where λobs is the observed wavelength and λ0 is the emitted wavelength. When z>0 then the object is redshifted and is receding from the observer. In general larger values of redshift correspond to objects that are more distant.
The observed magnitude m of an an object is a reverse logarithmic measure of the flux from the object for an observer on earth. If F is the measured flux and Fref is a reference flux then the magnitude is m=-2.5log10(F/Fref). Faint objects have larger magnitudes than bright objects.
Stretch is a measure of how fast the supernova explosion declines in brightness. Color is the B-V color at peak brightness.


Basic Examples

data = ResourceData[\!\(\*
TagBox["\"\<Type Ia Supernova Data\>\"",
#& ,
BoxID -> "ResourceTag-Type Ia Supernova Data-Input",

Visualizations (2) 

Obtain the necessary data:

data = ResourceData[\!\(\*
TagBox["\"\<Type Ia Supernova Data\>\"",
#& ,
BoxID -> "ResourceTag-Type Ia Supernova Data-Input",
zRedshift = Normal@data[Normal@All, 2];
mObserved = Normal@data[Normal@All, 3];

Plot observed magnitude of supernova versus redshift:

ListPlot[Transpose[{zRedshift, mObserved}], PlotRange -> All, Axes -> False, Frame -> True, FrameTicks -> True, FrameLabel -> {"redshift", "observed magnitude"}, ImageSize -> 500, PlotRange -> All]

Marshall Bradley, "Type Ia Supernova Data" from the Wolfram Data Repository (2022)  

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