Raw Data For The Long Term Selection Experiment For Oil And Protein In Corn

Source Notebook

Raw data from each ear analyzed each year of the Illinois long-term selection experiment for oil and protein in corn (1896-2004)

Originator: Department of Crop Science. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

This file, part of the Illinois long-term selection experiment for oil and protein in corn (https://hdl.handle.net/2142/3524), contains the data from each ear analyzed each year of the experiment (1896-2004). These are the raw data from the experiment. This file contains years, generation numbers, ear numbers (from 1897-1921 ear numbers indicate the row (first two digits) and the ear within the row (last 3 digits); for other years the ears are numbered without a row designation), and individual ear data for each generation and each strain of the long-term selection experiment for oil and protein at the University of Illinois. Data for strains selected for protein (IHP, etc.) are percent protein on a dry weight basis. Data for strains selected for oil (IHO, etc.) are percent oil on a dry weight basis. Abbreviations used are GEN=overall generation, IHP=Illinois high protein, ILP=Illinois low protein, IRHP=Illinois reverse high protein, IRLP=Illinois reverse low protein, IRLP2=Illinois reverse low protein 2, IHO=Illinois high oil, ILO=Illinois low oil, IRHO=Illinois reverse high oil, IRLO=Illinois reverse low oil, ISHO=Illinois switchback high oil. Columns headed INIHP, INILP, etc. indicate whether an ear was selected as a parent for the next generation. A selected ear has a value of 1, a non-selected ear a value of 0.

(23 columns, 8466 rows)


Basic Examples

Retrieve the default content:

ResourceData["Raw Data For The Long Term Selection Experiment For Oil And Protein In Corn"]

Plot the high protein strain (IHP) over the last century:

   "Raw Data For The Long Term Selection Experiment For Oil And Protein In Corn"][All, {"Year", "IHP"}], Joined -> False, GridLines -> Automatic]

Arnoud Buzing, "Raw Data For The Long Term Selection Experiment For Oil And Protein In Corn" from the Wolfram Data Repository (2017)  

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