
Entity Store

20 items

2015 Chicago Marathon Data

2015 Chicago Marathon participant data

Amniote Life History EntityStore

EntityStore of life history data for birds, mammals, and reptiles

Census Tract Entity Store

US Census tracts with location, polygon, and data from the American Community Survey

Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic Government Measures

Measures taken by governments from different countries to fight the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2

Darwin's Plant Experiments

Curated data from Darwin's plant experiments and related text

Entity Store of Books in Stephen Wolfram's Library

An entity store of books in Stephen Wolfram’s library that were used during in the creation of A New Kind of Science (Wolfram, 2002).

Entity Store of People Mentioned in Stephen Wolfram's A New Kind of Science

An entity store of all people mentioned in historical and other notes in “A New Kind of Science”

FDIC Institution EntityStore

A Wolfram Language EntityStore with selected data on FDIC insured institutions

GDB-9 Database

Database of molecular quantum calculations

General Topology EntityStore

Entity store representing definitions and theorems of point-set topology

ISO 639-3

ISO 639-3 set of codes for all known human languages

LifeWiki Entity Store

More than 1,000 entities from LifeWiki

Minecraft Block Types

Wolfram Language EntityStore with IDs and sample images for 150+ types of Minecraft blocks

Museum of Modern Art Holdings and Artists

Holdings and artists of The Museum of Modern Art

National Science Foundation Grants - 2015

Data on National Science Foundation grants and associated investigators and institutions awarded in the year 2015

Pitt Quantum Repository

Database of molecular quantum calculations

Poetry by e. e. cummings

The poems of e. e. cummings that are in the public domain

SWEETLEAD Molecule Database

A cheminformatics database of medicines, drugs, and herbal isolates

The Busy Beaver Competition

Current Busy Beaver Records, winning Turing Machines and references


Heteroaromatic Rings of the Future